Child Custody & Visitation
Child custody is one of the most critical parts of a separation and must be handled by someone with experience. If given inaccurate advice, your case could take a turn for the worst, and it could take years to rebuild lost custodial visitation. It is imperative to have a seasoned attorney by your side who will ensure that your parental rights are protected and that your child receives the best outcome.
At The Soleymani Law Firm, we know that it is in the child’s best interest for the parents to reach a harmonious agreement concerning visitation/child custody whenever possible. Our goal is to help our clients reach an agreement with the other parent, because it is always better for parents to decide what happens with their children, rather than a Judge.
However, sometimes disagreements cannot be made and that is why we are fully armed to fight aggressively but reasonably in Court for our clients’ rights and to protect their children. Our high success rate demonstrates that even the most complex custodial cases are no challenge for The Soleymani Law Firm.
The Soleymani Law Firm’s expertise in complex child custody cases allowed us to protect the parental rights of numerous clients, and the rights of the children involved.

Child’s Best Interests
When determining the rights of a minor, California courts consider several different factors.
The court’s primary concern in determining child custody is the child’s best interests, considering his or her health, safety, and welfare.
California courts deem it essential that children have continuous contact with both parents after the parents have separated. Courts urge parents to share the duties and obligations that come with parenting, except when it is not in the best interest of the child.
Abuse toward or around children is not tolerated and children have the right to be protected against all abuse. Any form of child abuse or domestic violence in the presence of a child is harmful and damaging to a child’s wellbeing, healthy, and safety and such actions are taken seriously in Court.
Child custody is a very complex and delicate part of a case, which is why it is vital to have an experienced child custody attorney by your side. The Soleymani Law Firm provides its clients with solid advice and guidance and walks clients through the procedures of custody case. Whether you are trying to obtain custodial orders or protect your child from a parent who cannot act on the child’s best interests, we are here to help.
Types of Custody
Custody is made up of:
Physical Custody
Physical custody indicates which parent the child physically lives at each day and time. Typically, one parent is the primary custodian; this is the parent who the child primarily lives with. When the parents share custody, even if the child’s time is not split equally, they have joint physical custody. Sole physical custody means the child exclusively lives with one parent and the other parent does not have any visitation.
Under some circumstances, the Court may award supervised visitation to a parent. This means that the parent’s custodial visitation with the minor child can only occur within the presence of a monitor. The monitor can be a professional child custody monitor or a non-professional friend or family member who is entrusted to keep the child safe. Typically, orders for supervised visitation do not last indefinitely. A skilled and experienced attorney is necessary in most cases where there is supervised visitation. Call us. We can help.

Legal custody
Legal custody is the right to make decisions regarding the child’s health, education and welfare. Legal custody is either awarded to both parents as Joint or to one parent as Sole. Alternatively, the Court could make specific orders about which types of decisions are to be made jointly while others are to be made by one parent. For example, parents could be ordered to make all decisions
together, except for medical decisions, which are to be made by one parent alone.
Joint legal custody with tie-breaking authority means that the parents share the right and responsibility to make decisions together, discuss implications in good faith and consider each other’s positions, but in the event that they cannot come to an agreement, the parent with tie-breaking authority ultimately makes the decision in the child’s best interest.